Integration of Creative Technologies into Educational Process at Universities

  • A. L. Kucherenko. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article proves the urgency of including creative components, such as: elements of ance improvisation, as well as acting and vocal skills in the educational process using the example of teaching a foreign language at Universities. It highlights the relevance of an integrated approach to learning, combining creative technologies, which significantly removes the psychological and language barriers, as well as increases the motivation of students. The positive effect of the use of dance, vocal and acting practices as well as developing of imagination and emotional response is considered, in particular, when teaching English language. It is emphasized that these creative techniques contribute to arising шnspiration among the students, creating a relaxed atmosphere at classes, making it fun and bringing the learning process closer to natural language conditions. It is proved that sing this approach, the student will receive a significant development of skills in a numer of aspects: linguistic, psychological, physical and creative. Thus, the linguistic aspect includes the mastery of correct pronunciation and audio perception of foreign speech; in the psychological aspect, the skills of public speech are developed, the language barrier is overcome; in physical terms, due to dance improvisation, tension in the muscles of the chest and spine is reduced, which interferes with the free flow of speech, and breathing
is also corrected; the creative aspect includes the disclosure of students' creative abilities, as well as development of emotional intelligence and an increase in general cultural evel.
The article pays special attention to the functioning of the experimental English language course “Oral Interpretation” within the university, which includes a dramatic interpretation of authentic texts, songwriting, recitation of verses, and the use of dance improvisation. The final exam for this course is the theatrical performance of an excerpt of a literary  work  in  English  that  conveys  the  performer’s  personal  vision  (interpretation).  The goal of this course is to reveal the creative abilities and development of the general cultural level of students through their mastery of the English language.
Keywords: dance improvisation; teaching English; acting; dramatic interpretation of the text;
integrated approach.